
Welcome to me Ecuadorian Adventure blog! After my project assessing the program learning outcomes of the abroad programs through Provost Assessment Scholars last semester, I found that the biggest issues that University of Scranton students have with study abroad programs is with communication. Practically every participant in our focus groups had difficulties keeping up with their friends and family and/or had issues with lack of communication from organizations, so they didn't know the challenges they would face abroad ahead of time. These are the two reasons that I am creating this blog: to keep my friends and family updated on my adventures, and to possibly help future participants and travelers know what to expect from this program and this beautiful country. So, take from this blog what you need. Some things will be geared towards my friends and family to let them know how and what I'm doing, and some will be geared towards future participants of this program or similar programs. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with this project! Pray for me!

For my family and friends: please keep me updated about your lives! I will try to reach out as much as I can, but there are a lot of you. I want to hear about everything though! If you get a promotion, if you have a rough day, if you get an A on a test, if you find a cool pair of pants on the clearance rack-- I want to hear about it! I left my phone in the United Stated, but I have my handy-dandy iPod with me, so message me via an internet-based mode: email, Facebook, GroupMe, iMessage, Skype, etc.

PS I am sorry about my screen name, I originally used blogspot for my religious education class blog!
